Father Daughter Dance – Sponsors

At Abiding Care, we see the effects of fatherlessness and we believe strongly that dads matter, which is why we decided to go with this as a fundraiser. This is our fifth year of hosting the dance. Each year we get such great feedback from both dads and daughters and even the volunteers on what a special night this is!

If you, your church, organization or business would be interested in sponsoring this year’s dance, please contact us! The event will be held Saturday, September 21st at the Simek Center in Medford. Sponsorship levels are $250, $500 and $1,000. Our sponsors are appreciated, as they make the event possible each year. Thank you for your consideration!

We reached for the stars, now we are diving down deep with this year’s theme…


2023’s sponsors:

Advertising Partner:


Business, Organization and Individual Sponsors:

Taylor County Right to Life

Medford Knights of Columbus

Sheldon & Kelly Phillips

Freudenthal Manufacturing

Halls of Medford

Park Falls Knights of Columbus

Athens Knights of Columbus

Special thanks to:

The Bailiwick

La Maestra Music

Stronger Version Fitness