Our Services

- Lab-Quality Pregnancy Tests
- Limited OB Ultrasounds
- Options Counseling
- STD Testing and Treatment
- Prenatal Vitamins
- Referrals for Prenatal Care and Adoption Services
- Referral to our Family Support Service
We believe that knowledge is powerful. So many people facing an unplanned pregnancy don’t know what options and resources are available to them or know what abortion really is. Our goal is to equip each patient to make their own decision, but an informed one, with the most up-to-date, accurate information possible.
We also encourage our patients to have good prenatal care, which includes a healthy lifestyle, regular visits with their doctor and prenatal vitamins which we are able to distribute free of charge.
All of our medical services are performed by our team of licensed RNs who have received a considerable amount of training and continued education. Not only do they provide our medical services, but they are the first ones to form relationships with our patients. They spend quality time with them filling out paperwork, listening, and seeing what other helps they might need. Often when patients come to us, they have a few struggles going on – abuse, homelessness, etc. We are so thankful for our nurses – they are our frontline warriors!

Family Support
- Parenting & Life Skill Classes
- Support and Encouragement
- Earn Items from the Baby Boutique
- Referrals to Community Services
We offer parenting classes to clients to help them be the best parent they can be. Sometimes people choose abortion because they feel ill-equipped to parent for various reasons. We want them to be assured that we will walk with them on this journey. We also offer many needed baby items that they can earn by taking these classes – cribs, car seats, diapers, clothing, and everything in between. We love to see the look of accomplishment on their faces when the day comes for them to take home the item that they had been working towards!
We also work closely with many other service providers and agencies in our community both to refer and receive clients. We are thankful to have a great working relationship/partnership with so many great community organizations.

Healthy U Classes
We offer Healthy Relationship classes to public and parochial schools and youth group. Sessions cover a range of topics including:
- Healthy Relationships
- Setting Boundaries & Goals
- The Dangers of Porn, Sexting & Trafficking
- Pregnancy Options
- STDs
- How Sex Impacts the Brain and Emotions
- Starting Over
- Services Abiding Care Offers
We would love to be teaching these classes in every school! Pray that God would open the doors to our schools.