Our Values & Statements
We are 100% Pro-Life
- We believe no matter how you got here, we each bear within us the image of God, so every life is precious – born and unborn.
We are Pro-Abundant Life
- We believe we were each put on this earth for a purpose and equipping others to flourish is part of that.
We are Gospel-Centered
- We believe that we are all in need of Salvation and the redeeming work of the Cross.
We are Culture of Life Focused
- We believe that abortion is the preeminent moral crisis of our time. When we value life, we will naturally want to do more to help others and vice versa.
We are Pro-Woman, Pro-Child, Pro-Fathers and Pro-Family
- We see in Scripture that God is for all of these people groups, and so are we. Helping one should never diminish the other.
Abiding Care exists to be an extension of Jesus Christ’s love to anyone facing pregnancy decisions, sexual health issues, and post abortive recovery. The center is dedicated to the value and dignity of human life by providing:
- emotional, spiritual, and physical support
- medical services
- parenting support and
- referrals to community resources for on-going care
Abiding Care envisions our served communities thriving and believing the following:
- the Gospel of Jesus Christ is His perfect message of reconciliation and healing
- every human life is sacred
- marriage is between a man and a woman, the place for human sexuality
- every child is welcomed into the family, the fundamental unit of a healthy society